Showing posts with label Side Dishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Side Dishes. Show all posts

May 4, 2013

Red Potatoes and Yams Puree

Okay, this is simple but a nice break from mashed potatoes. Also, it looks really bright and appealing. Here is how to make it:


3 large red potatoes
3 large yams
1 cup milk
1/8 cup melted butter
salt and pepper to taste
parsley for garnish


Cut the potatoes and yams (I cut them small so they cook faster). Cook them in boiling water until soft. Once cooked, drain the water and add butter, milk, salt, and pepper. I like to use a hand mixer to get everything pureed and smooth. Serve and garnish with parsley. Voila you got a twist on boring mashed potatoes! Enjoy!

Jun 21, 2012

Light Side-Soup

I don't know if it's an Argentinean tradition or just a family one, but ever since I was a kid we always had a "side soup" when eating homemade pizza. Soup goes perfect on the side because as yummy as pizza is, it's always nice to have something liquid in contrast with the crunch and gooey-ness of pizza. When we make a side soup though, it's always something simple and light, so it doesn't steal the spotlight of our homemade pizza nights. I wanna share this recipe because this soup good can be used on the side of other foods or as a first course. This soup is so simple and light.


2 potatoes peeled, diced
1 package peperini or orzo pasta
1 small onion finely minced
3 garlic cloves
2 tbs dried parsley
2 tbs dried oregano
2 tbs extra-virgin olive oil
1 tbs red pepper flakes
1 tbs ground black pepper
Salt to taste


In a medium sauce pan saute onion and garlic, add water according to package directions, then add potatoes, parsley, oregano, red and black pepper and salt. Let it boil for a while and then add pasta. Cook according to package instructions. Enjoy with your favorite entree!

May 9, 2012

Fresh Jicama Salad

Fresh Jicama Salad

Jicama, jicama, jicama...what is that? I had heard the word a couple times from different Mexican friends, but I never really inquired about what it was. The other day, my little sister came home from school RAVING about jicama and how good it tasted with lemon. She also said that some people add both lemon and spicy sauce but she didn't enjoy the latter. For a couple days she kept begging for us to buy some jicama. So, when we finally got it I was a little confused. It looked like a root vegetable--something like a potato or a yam? It didn't look very appetizing as I don't think of foods in that category as appealing unless they are cooked. But my sister insisted I try some with lemon. 

Jicama has a very mild flavor, somewhat that of a potato but not as starchy. It is also crisp and somewhat juice. Kind of like an apple. As I was chewing it I started to feel it'd pair well with yogurt, vinegar, lemon juice, and the such and I immediately thought of a salad! So here is what I came up with. This salad is so fresh and inviting and also very healthy! Here is a picture followed by the recipe:


Green apple
Red onion
White vinegar
Olive oil
Greek Yogurt
Honey (optional)
Salt to taste

Just cut everything in cubes (your preferred ratio of each thing). In a bowl whisk together the Greek yogurt, white vinegar(you can also try lemon juice), honey, olive oil(just a little bit to emulsify but you don't want it oily, about a teaspoon should do), and salt to taste. Once dressing is well combined, add to the rest of the ingredients. Also, I put everything in a closed container, shook it up, and put it in the fridge for over an hour so it would be really chilled by the time I served it. For serving suggestion, I served it  in a bowl and was very generous with the dressing so that everything was kind of "floating" in it.  It was SO delicious, especially picking up the bowl at the end and drinking the left over dressing from it! You can also sprinkle minced fresh mint for garnish and aroma right before serving.This salad is ideal for the summer, a must try! ENJOY <3

Oct 29, 2011

Sauteed Lemon Garlic Gnocchi

Sauteed Garlic Gnocchi

Here I am sharing how I flavored the gnocchi once it's done. I used my grandma's recipe to 
make them but here is a standard gnocchi recipe you can try: 
Once you got the gnocchi ready proceed with the following:


8 garlic cloves minced
1 cup green onions
1 cup parmessan cheese
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
Salt & Pepper to tast

In a medium skillet heat up olive oil. Add 1/2 cup onions and garlic until caramelized. Throw in cooled down gnocchi. Sautee until golden brown. Shake constantly to make sure all sides get color. Add the rest of the onions and salt & pepper to taste. Gradually add lemon juice until reduced and more brown. Turn off heat, add parmessan cheese and toss around in the pan. Serve hot. Sprinkle some more cheese and green onions on each plate if desired. Buon appetito!

Squash Basil Soup

Squash Basil Soup

This recipe is great because, unlike most squash soups, it doesn't have heavy cream. So I recommend it if you're on a diet or just trying to cut down on fats. This soup is still creamy and thick and is sure to hit those taste buds and nourish your body.

6 cups diced (unpeeled) zucchini or summer squash of your choice
1 cup corn (for consistency)
1/4 cup fresh basil 
1/2 cup chicken or beef stock
1 cup milk 
2 tablespoons of butter
1 diced red onion
6 garlic cloves (or less if you don't like garlic much)
1 tablespoon paprika 
Salt and pepper to taste

Melt butter in a medium sauce pan still bubbly. Add garlic and onions. Once onions become translucent add squash, basil, corn, paprika, salt, and pepper. Cover pan and let everything sweat until squash is tender. 
In a blender pour in warm stock and milk and add the mixture from the pan. Blend until creamy and smooth. Taste for salt and pepper and add more to taste. Then put the mixture back in the pan and cook in medium-low heat, covered for about 20 minutes. Mince some fresh basil and mix in right before serving. Garnish with basil leaves. Buon appetito!