
Redding/Redbluff, CA

Redding is where I spent my first year of college. It was here that I met 2 of my best friends and made some great memories. After so many years, I was finally able to visit them again this year. They are now both married and each has a baby. I was so glad to visit and remember when we were younger! It was also great to finally meet their kids and visit the church and great people from the past! 

I got some beautiful pictures just driving around! Nature was all around!

Here are some pictures of us:
Yuli & Annaei

Banana Pancakes for breakfast


Annaie cutting strawberries

Yuli and her beautiful daughter Natalie

Annaei's big boy, Micah!

This place had really tasty ice-cream!

Black cherry ice-cream

Green Enchiladas by Yuli's mom

This is Yuli's mom, the lady who introduced me to great
Mexican cuisine!

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