Feb 5, 2013

10 Reasons to Start Cooking and Eating At Home (and 5 Extra Perks)

1. Homemade food can be healthier than restaurant food if prepared right
2. You can cook foods that conform to your dietary needs/goals
3. You know what goes into your food and how it was prepared
4. You will save a lot more money than if you always eat out (even if it's cheap McDonalds)
5. You can impress your significant other and make them happy
6. Cooking together can be part of family time
7. You will add another skill to your belt
8. You will be able to appreciate food more
9. You won't be afraid to entertain/host a dinner party
10.You'll be in the comfort of your own home and won't even have to get ready for dinner
11.You won't have to deal with rude staff
12.Your left-over won't go yucky right away
13. Your mother-in-law might start liking you
14. Your family will love you for it
15. You won't have to take any more crap from your foodie friends about your lack of cooking skills

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