Jun 21, 2012

Mild Salsa Verde (Green Sauce)

Mexican cuisine is one of my favorites in the world. Long ago I decided I was to learn how to make authentic Mexican recipes from native Mexicans. Here is the recipe for Salsa Verde or "tomatillo sauce" I got from one of the best Mexican cooks I've ever met. She isn't an executive chef at a fancy restaurant or a food writer but her food is so delightful I can never get enough. I'm so glad she shared this recipe with me and I'm even happier to share it with you.

This salsa is so versatile you can use it on so many Mexican recipes but also on other things such as scrambled eggs, rice, salad, you name it. It tastes so fresh and a little "lemony" even though it doesn't call for any lemons. It is also low on calories and fat-free which makes a perfect replacement for salad dressings, dips, or marinades. So let's get started:


4 large/medium tomatillos
2 cups fresh chopped cilantro
1 garlic clove
1 small jalapeno pepper (seeded)
3 cups water (from the tomatillos)
1 tbs salt or to taste


Boil tomatillos in medium pot until soft. Meanwhile place jalapeno on a griddle or pan and let it char on each side until outside of skin is all black. Then peel of the outer skin and rinse. In a blender mix tomatillos, jalapenos, garlic, cilantro, salt, and water from the tomatillos (it adds a little more flavor). Blend everything together, pour in container, and refrigerate until cool. If you would like it a little thicker you can use less water or more water for more runny. Also if you are like me and love cilantro feel free to add a little more to taste. Once cold, use it on your tacos, quesadillas, "green" enchiladas,or even on steak, grilled chicken, salad, etc. Buen apetito!!!

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