Feb 2, 2013

Deviled Eggs Gone Nice!

Have you ever wondered why Deviled Eggs are called "deviled?" My explanation is: deviled eggs typically include both egg yokes and mayonnaise, both packed with bad cholesterol. Now is that evil or what?! Hmm, let me see, it tastes great...but it's bad for you...hmm sounds deviled to me. But don't panic, I bare good news. I bring you the healthier alternative of deviled eggs. They are still a little evil (they still provide culinary pleasure) but with a kinder effect to your body. Many people opt for Deviled-Eggs-Gone-Nice by substituting the mayo with avocado. GENIUS! 

I'd like to take credit for the invention since I ALWAYS use avocado instead of mayo...but, I didn't come up with this version of deviled eggs. In fact, I would like to give credit to whom credit is due (and a big THANKS) but we don't really know who started the trend. Oh well, life goes on, so here is the recipe for our beloved DEVILED EGGS GONE NICE:


6 eggs
1 large avocado
3 tbs chopped fresh parsley or cilantro (save a little for garnishing)
1 tbs mustard
1 tbs extra virgin olive oil or lemon juice
1/2 tbs salt(or to taste)
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp paprika powder (for garnishing)

Boil eggs for about 15 minutes. Once hard transfer to a bowl of ice cold water for a few minutes and then crack shells and gently remove them. Next, cut each egg in half--try to be as precise as possible-- and gently remove the egg yokes and place them in a small bowl. Add diced avocado, parsley/cilantro, mustard, oil/juice (note: cilantro will pair better with lemon juice while parsley goes better with the olive oil), salt, and pepper. Mash everything together until well mixed. Next, scoop out the mix and place about a spoonful in each egg-half. Lastly, sprinkle paprika and remaining parsley/cilantro on top. Transfer to a clean dish to serve. ENJOY!

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