Sep 14, 2011


Don’t let anyone steal you away from your beauty. Hold near to your heart the little things you love, the little things that make you—you!  Here are some of the things that I love and make my days go a little brighter:

Bbqs!—I love grilling. I could seriously throw anything on a grill and it'll always taste THAT much better! <3

WINE<3—I’ve always been a red wine person but the last year or so I’ve been acquiring more of a taste for white wines. I love a good chardonnay and I won’t complain if you throw in a bubbly one either!

Volleyball –Ok, I am not a pro…not even close! But I just LOVE playing it! (plus the added booty/thigh toning)

High-heels –The loves of my life! I love heels for many reasons but mostly because you can wear them with almost anything and it automatically makes you look dressed up! I also love all the shapes and colors…so many shoes to go around! I wish I had a credit card with no caps! (Dresses have almost the same effect on me :p )

Orchids –The thing about orchids is they are so elegant, composed, and classy; yet, so simple! They add balance and poise to a room. What’s not to love!

BOOKS! Do I need to explain? Entertainment and knowledge all from the same source; not to mention being able to take part in all the different writers’ thinking process and minds. J

Sunsets –I love nature and beautiful scenery but sunsets top it all. They are just so breadth-taking. Every single sunset is a thing of its own. They just inspire me!

Green tea –Who am I kidding? I love most teas! Especially herbal or fruity ones! Plus they are good for the body, mind—and yes I’m gonna say it—even the soul :D

Dancing—I mean James Brown said it, “Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing. Okay maybe that’s a little extreme, but dancing DOES make me happy whenever I get time to do it. <3

Cooking—Of course that’s an obvious one. When I am cooking I’m in my own little world in which there are no problems or drama; just amazing smells, textures, and a lot of indulgence! Eating falls in the same category. I love all types of cuisines but I am picky about cleanliness, quality, and freshness…not to mention taste of course! And for God’s sake don’t ever feed me bland food cause I will take out the condiments and spices and try to fix it no matter how rude it may look :/

Mind-twister/thriller movies—anyone that knows me knows I love anything that makes me think. I just HAVE to know. I always try to figure movies from the beginning—usually am pretty successful too. I love movies that keep the suspense going. Well thought-out story lines. Intricate turns and twists. Unexpected endings. Just love them.

Sushi—It’s delicious, it’s addicting, it’s appealing. Just plain edible art! 

I love many more things but these are just a few essentials. They add flavor to life. As you may notice food is a big part of it :p  All I gotta say is DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO! Enjoy the simple things in life and do what makes you happy (but isn't harmful to you or others).

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